Hey sis! I'm so excited to share a SUPER SIMPLE recipe that makes an appearance at all of our holiday meals to much acclaim and sighs of appreciation. This savory recipe is easy and quick to make!
Sweet potatoes are an amazing superfood that packs a lotta bang for your buck. Here's a little info about them that you may not have already know (taken directly from Healthline.com):
1. Sweet potatoes are starchy root vegetables that are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They’re also high in antioxidants that protect your body from free
radical damage and chronic disease.
2. Sweet potatoes contain fiber and antioxidants that promote the growth of good gut bacteria and contribute to a healthy gut.
3. Animal and test-tube research suggests that the anthocyanins and other antioxidant found in sweet potatoes may protect against certain cancers.
4. Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene and anthocyanins, antioxidants that may help prevent vision loss and improve eye health.
5. Animal studies have shown that sweet potatoes may improve brain health by reducing inflammation and preventing mental decline.
6. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which can be converted to vitamin A and help support your immune system and gut health.
And on top of doing all of those things above, they are inexpensive and available everywhere you shop! What is not to love about that?!!
And now, without further ado, here is my recipe for Mashed Sweet Potatoes: Holiday Edition!
Savory Mashed Sweet Potatoes: Holiday Edition
one medium sweet potato per for 3-4 people
4T salted butter
4T heavy whipping cream
salt and pepper
Peel, rinse, and cut your sweet potatoes (I count one medium sweet potato is enough for 3-4 people--this isn't the main thing they are filling up on, eh?!)
Place them in boiling water for 20-25 minutes. You will know they are done when they can super easily be mushed with a fork. You want them really soft--it makes for a smoother mash.
Drain thoroughly and place back in your cooking pot.
Add the following to the pot:
4 T of salted butter
4 T of heavy whipping cream
Salt and pepper to taste (can be added at the end)
Using your hand mixer (or you can transfer to a stand mixer) mix the living daylights out of this mixture until it is smooth and creamy and delicious with no chunks remaining. Place in a lovely serving dish and let your people enjoy it!
Optional addition: this is wonderful with some on plan candied pecans on top (I love R's Candied Pecans from the Trim Healthy Future).
Carb count for diabetics: this is about 15g total carbs; sweet potatoes are generally very gentle on blood sugars because of the high fiber content in them.
As I said in the introduction, my whole family loves this recipe and really looks forward to eating it! This is a heavy crossover (lots of fats combined with carbs) so we save this for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and definitely do not have this decadent treat any more often that that. I hope you enjoy this recipe!
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